Feature Film
In this environmental drama, struggling artist Lucy Chase is heartbroken when her single mom Margot, a beloved high-school teacher, drowns during an early morning boat excursion in coastal Louisiana. Her heartbreak turns to shock and disbelief when she learns that before she was born her mother had a PHD, a different name, and a large chunk of money to invest for Lucy. When Harry, a reporter fired by right wing fanatics after they take over his newspaper, comes to town, they join forces to find out who Margot was and what happened to her, posing a dangerous threat to powerful, wealthy forces.
Was Margot a hero or a sell-out to Big Oil? Until Lucy knows the truth about her mother’s life and death, she can’t begin to know herself and her purpose in life and art.
The screenplay was inspired by the 2015 reporting by “Inside Climate News” and the “LA Times” that documented the fact that Exxon’s outside messaging about climate change conflicted with their internal research. #Exxonknew.